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"Beware of sudden apparitions, lurking between the decrepit webs of ruin..."





What is Patient Zero Must Live?


Patient Zero is a highly immersive gameplay experience that begins at the office, and leads participants on an adrenaline filled visit through the mind of a patient struggling with a life-threatening illness. This patient has 45 minutes to live. Your team's task is to locate and save the patient from succumbing to the disease.


Positioned through the metaphorical lens of a post-apocalyptic world in the immediate days following a horrible epidemic,  attendees help the General hunt for clues, unlock secret rooms, source for the right medication, and in the process, trace the whereabouts of ‘Patient Zero’.


All this happens in near complete darkness across a labyrinth of spaces, a haunting soundtrack,

and under a challenging timeline.


Will your patient live, or will your patient die?

Attendees learn better when they get to be immersed in a creative,

multi-sensory gamification environment.   


Analog workshops continue to excel particularly well at encouraging human interaction, which is crucial to our physical and mental well-being. The dynamic of an immersive experience in a room full of attendees has not only proven resilient, but has outperformed digital learning experiments time and again. Digital may be extremely efficient in transferring pure information, but learning happens best when we build relationships between attendees, facilitators and their peers.


The Patient Zero experience answers to all of these, and so much more.

"The post apocalyptic lens provides the metaphorical backdrop of what it feels like to be a patient struggling through an illness, while the tight timeline provides a sense of urgency. The music and lighting adds to the adrenaline...


The anticipation and competition is palpable."  




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Patient Zero Must Live! Team Building Experience


Imagine releasing guests with flashlights into a post apocalyptic themed escape room spread over 3000 square feet, multiple locked doors, dramatic soundscapes and a fully functioning speakeasy (with bartender in character), in near complete darkness. You end up with a workshop unlike any other. With 45 minutes to spare, attendees race to solve the mystery behind a looming healthcare epidemic, followed by a debrief on the purposes of the exercise and the parallels it draws to a real-life medical case study. 


Rooms are carefully curated with intricate props and detailing to depict numerous living, working, hospital and pharmaceutical spaces that this fictitious patient and supporting characters might visit during the course of diagnosis and treatment. Attendees hunt for clues on what caused the outbreak, and the drugs needed to cure the patient. 


This multi purpose experience has been staged to critical acclaim in New York, London and Chicago. It continues to be utilized for segmentation socialization rollouts, team building activities, and customer journey strategic workshops. 


Game Concept, Environmental Design, Music Direction, Visual & Creative Direction: Lee Changzhi

Agency: ZS 

Venues: The Empire State Building, New York  |  One Ludgate Hill, London | DoubleTree Skokie, Chicago  

Project date: 2019 - Ongoing 



Copyright 2021 Lee Changzhi

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